Monday, 16 March 2015

Leaving our mark!


Every tow operator, just like every, customer is different. We are a unique bunch of people without a doubt. In my 3 years of towing I've come across many different type of operators, some I looked up to and others who made me want to run the other way. I will be the first to admit that I have broken the cardinal rule of towing: “Never speak badly about another tow operator, they are doing the best they can with what they have.” Although I am not proud of this, I can own up to it.

After much thought and many conversations with those close to me, I have decided to change my ways and focus on making a big mark I want to leave on this industry. Do I want to be remembered as the guy who bickered with this operator, or spoke badly about that operator? Not a chance. We have a short time in this world and life is about making the most of it, and leaving it better than how we found it.
The towing industry has enough problems without us fighting amongst ourselves. Competition can drive us to do and say some pretty silly things, “Did you see the way that operator tied down that car” or “what an idiot, he stole my call.” We have all been there before. What we need to keep in mind is that everything we say or do has an effect on not only our self-image but also that of the towing industry, from bickering with competition on the scene of an accident, to the language and manner in which we communicate with customers. This industry has taken many bad hits over the years and it’s up to us operators, the front line of towing, to change this.

So brothers and sisters of towing I ask you. What mark will you leave on the industry? Will you help elevate us to a new level of respect by educating instead of mocking, working together as opposed to fighting? Or let the public’s perception of us become a reality. I know how I will leave my mark, I hope you do to.

Shawn Michaud