Thursday, 16 October 2014



In the towing industry there are two factors that help gain an operator respect, they are SENIORITY and EXPERIENCE. Key word here is HELP, as there are so many more factors that we will get into at a later date.  As I have experienced recently these two factors are sometimes confused.

 EXPERIENCE is an invaluable asset for any operator, this is earned year after year of head scratching situations, that may begin with our hands being held to start and slowly becoming confident enough to tackle them on our own. Although EXPERIENCE is a valued asset in an operator, it is not the only way to earn RESPECT from your peers.

SENIORITY is in my opinion a sign of loyalty. This is earned through years of grinding, day in day out for your employer. Taking the bad days with the good days and putting the faith in the company that has done the same in return for you. SENIORITY is something that is often overlooked by our peers, operators today tend to think “you’re only as good as your next call”. Although yes it is important to maintain your level of quality on every call, time served within the company cannot be simply disregarded.

Every operator from coast to coast has varying levels of EXPERIENCE and SENIORITY, and we as a BROTHERHOOD must recognize this and give respect where it is due. Remember we are all here for the same reason.

 “Rig it, Roll it, Winch it, Tow it”Nathaniel Wilson

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